Anne Jesuina

Tobias de Andrade


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Anne Jesuina (Tobias de Andrade) (1989) is an interdisciplinary artist of Dutch and Afro-Brazilian descent based in Utrecht, Netherlands. Anne Jesuina combines written word, music, voice, moving image, movement and performance to reveal and metabolize the invisibilized socio-somatic grammar of white ‘supremacy’ culture. Her work is in service of finding transforming possibilities, ways to tend to individual and collective wounds in order to find regenerative places of power.

Anne Jesuina's work attempts to reconcile the colonial identities 'black' and 'white' that both inform her mind, body and spirit. Afro-Brazilian spirituality is an important source in her work. This Afro-Brazilian spirit has been transferred to her through her father: the singer  
Ailton Tobias de Andrade. Other key figures that Anne Jesuina’s work build on are: 
Franz Fanon, Homi K. Bhabha, Audre Lorde, bell hooks, Judith Butler, Donna Haraway, Camille Barton, Resmaa Menakem, Bayo Akomolafe
and Rae Johnson. 

Email: annejesuina[at]gmail[com]


The Other Manifesto

Bauhaus 1979–1983
Compilation album by Bauhaus

Knowledge is ancient error reflecting on its youth.

It has done me enormous good to finally see and read something in Switzerland that isn’t bullshit. All of it is very nice, it is really something; your manifesto expresses every philosophy seeking truth, when there is no truth, only convention. 

  Johannes Itten

The Cubists want to cover Dada with snow; that may surprise you, but it is so, they want to empty the snow from their pipe to bury DaDa.

Are you sure?

Positively sure, the facts are revealed by grotesque mouths. They think that Dada can prevent them from practicing this odious trade: Selling art expensively.
Art costs more than sausages, more than women, more than everything.

Art is visible like God (see Saint-Sulpice).

Art is a pharmaceutical product for imbeciles.

The table turns thanks to spirit; the paintings and other works of arts are like strong-box tables, the spirit is inside and becomes more and more inspired according to the auction prices.

Farce, farce, farce, farce, farce, my dear friends.